Friday, June 22, 2007

Thing #4- Flickr

Uploading photos to Flickr was pretty easy, though there were several more steps involved in getting them to the blog than I would have liked... But every online program is different- just a matter of getting things initially set up. So here are photos from a trip to Long Beach in May, and from the walk to FanimeCon over Memorial Day weekend.

Long Beach
Originally uploaded by mitternacht39
This is a picture of the CA coast at Long Beach. I love how blue the water is! The beaches are long and sandy there, much different from our rocky beaches up north. There's simply nothing like drinking cool iced tea and watching the calm waters of Southern California!

LB Museum of Art
Originally uploaded by mitternacht39
This is actually a shot of the restaurant next door to the LBMoA. Very swanky inside, nice outdoor patio. Interesting metal sculpture in the fountain... We didn't eat there, but wandered around after viewing the excellent exhibit of enamelwork in the museum.

San Jose
Originally uploaded by mitternacht39
One of the nicest things about FanimeCon is that it's local- no expensive airline tickets or hotels to worry about, unlike AX or Otakon. The walk from the train station to the convention center is particularly pleasant, about twenty minutes. This year, I looked into the river bed and saw a mama duck leading her seven little ducklings. Kawaii!!

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